Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Sense of Accomplishment

I am so tired right now and should probably be in bed.  But I had this strong urge to write tonight.  I just finished updating my calendar on Microsoft Outlook.  It took me two hours.  I had to put in the events that were coming up for the school year for my two boys.  We already have so much going on and I know that it is only going to get more hectic!  I do have to say that I am relieved that it is DONE!  That is what brings me to my blog tonight.  A sense of accomplishment.  I feel that I have accomplished so much in this past week.  I have cooked, cleaned, done load after load after load of laundry, I have exercised and I have taken care of my family.  Tonight I am feeling proud of myself.  It is amazing how getting even the smallest of tasks done can make you feel so good.  My life is coming together and I am starting to feel at peace.  I think that is what we are all in need of, peace of mind.  My children are safe the house is clean, everything is going my way.  At least that is how I am feeling tonight and all I want to do right now is live in the present not worrying about the past or the future (not right now while I am feeling so good about today).
Okay, here is a final thought (or perhaps a prayer): May peace be with you and your family and may we all find within ourselves a sense of accomplishment.  Goodnight.

Paula G

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister. I think that is what all humans struggle with is peace within their self. People trying to accomplish things to impress others , maybe a sister or mother. To DO things SOCIETY believes would make them happy. I think we do become at peace at one point. I think if we raise happy productive family we did a good mitzvah. I also believe people cannot be happy or at peace because they refuse to live in the present.
    Ok, I am off my soap box. Good piece because it gets me thinking.
